Going Off Grid?
Learn how to transform wood into motor fuel
Do you want to BEAT HIGH GAS PRICES and the coming FUEL SHORTAGES? The secret is a device called a wood gasifier. Make free gas just like they did during WWII. Fortify your future and prevail!
Perfect for powering homesteads & remote locations
Previously 2 books, now in one thick edition to save you money
Easy Ordering. Fast International Shipping, 420+ Reviews. Many successful reader builds
Available on Ebay with international shipping
500+ Pictures, Diagrams, Budgets, Troubleshooting, Advice & Calculations
During WWII 1 million gasifiers were created and placed into action to provide fuel when oil wasn't available and gas pumps ran dry. The current US administration has stated their desire to end oil & gas. History is about to repeat itself. Your window is closing!!!
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Digital File Archive
90 days to download. Save to thumb drive. These are digital downloads. Ebooks, Videos & Dxf part files. NO REFUNDS ON DOWNLOADS
Bundle price
What's Inside the Wood Gas Archive?
Wood Gasifier Builder's Bible
Wood Gasifier Builder's Bible: 100's of Photos, Theory of Operation: System Layout, Critical Sizing Charts & Operation (238 pg)
NEW! Sketches of Two Bigger Gasifier Designs for Advanced Builders. Matches Sizing Chart in Book. Run V-8 Engines (8 pg)
NEW! Hearth Sizing Formula Explained With Visual Diagram + Victory Hearth Upgrade
Wood Gas Build Videos
Wood Gasifier Build Video- Part 1 (16 min)
Wood Gasifier Build Video- Part 2 (13 min)
Wood Gasifier Build Video- Part 3 (16 min)
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Wood Gas CAD Files
2D Flat CAD Files for Laser & CNC Plasma Cutting- (100+ files) SAVE TIME!
Bonus: Engine Conversion
Electronic Carburetor Workshop. Convert an Engine to Dual Fuel & Automate AFR (104 pg)
Engine Conversion Video 1 (19 min)
Engine Conversion Video 2 (23 min)
Arduino Software Code
Blower Motor Tutorial (10 min)
Gasifier Monorator Hopper (4 min)
Gas Storage Bag Tutorial (4 min)
Gasifier Maintenance Video (3 min)
Solar Station Plans from 2015
Wood Gas Digital Archive
Ebooks, Videos & Files Bundle
Note: The 3rd edition print book on Amazon has both of these books inside. It's a 2 book set.
IF YOU BOUGHT THE PRINT BOOK >> LOOK IN THE BACK FOR A $30 OFF COUPON CODE << GOOD TOWARD THE DOWNLOAD BUNDLE BELOW. Click the words "coupon code" to reveal box during check out. Coupon not redeemable after purchase.
Reader Builds
Wood gasifier plans turned into wood gasifiers
This is just a sample of the photos that we have received over the years. If they can do it, couldn't you? Do you have a better energy plan when the SHTF?
Ben's work has been featured in
Customer Reviews
Reader feedback
“Thank you for giving me and my twin the motivation to win on Monster Garage!”
“I would like to thank you so much for the plans. My generator started immediately the very first time!”

“This is the book you need if you want to build the gasifier on the cover. It's very, very, very well illustrated and is amazing in details. Even a newbie to wood gas can make one. ”

“I have built a couple small experimental gasifiers and have the first edition of this book. The author has put even more details in the second edition and hides nothing and has taken the mystery out of how they work and how to build one.”

“I am a red seal fabricator welder and I found this book informative and technically sound. However the format makes things understandable in such a way that even a non-trade person could make the final product happen.”

“The foremost complete and exhaustive expose on wood gasification. There isn't another writing as complete or definitive as this manual.”

Answers to common questions
Contact/Purchase Questions?
Purchasing questions: [email protected] Ben lives WAYYYYY off grid and only checks email 1-4 times a month when he goes to town.
What size/type engine can I run?
The design uses propane tanks and they are good for 500cc - 5.0 liter stationary internal combustion engines. Diesel engines can work with up to 75% wood gas/25% diesel. If you want to run bigger V-8 engines and fuel trucks, then use the hearth sizing chart and scale up the rest of the system to match.
With the information in this plan set and some ingenuity on your part, you can: run spark ignited generators -- fuel older vehicles -- gas tractors -- heat greenhouses -- pump well water -- fire up kilns & forges -- make activated charcoal for water purification -- go off grid and much more!
Wood types? Run time?
Wood chunks are mandatory because they make the best charcoal. The secret is in the charcoal chemistry. Use a table saw/ band saw to make them. No pellets, no hog fuel, no tires, no garbage, etc. Wood species does matter. Most work, but not all. Pine, fir and oak are good. Cedar is quite oily and cottonwood is too ashy. Test, test, test. The run time depends on how dense your wood is. The base reactor will hold a 40 minute load for initial testing. Add a hopper and get run times of several hours. Run a batch in the morning to charge batteries. Run again in the evening if needed. 24/7 is UNREALISTIC. Design your feed system around your wood type and energy needs.
How much does a wood gasifier cost to build?
Inflation has dramatically raised prices of steel and mandates have reduced labor. The below prices have gone up --- Bare bones, expect to spend $1500 - $2000. Using CNC parts, self built, expect to spend $2800 - $3500. Subcontract portions of your build and expect to spend around $5,000. Done for you turn-key, expect to spend $7500 in mild steel, $12,500 - 15000 in stainless. Generator set NOT included. -
Wood gas storage and energy conversion?
You generally do not need to store gas. The gas is produced on demand by the suction of your engine or blower motor. You can bag the gas, but it's bulky. You can compress the gas into composite storage tanks or oxygen type tanks (1/4" thick), but don't put wood gas into air compressor tanks (1/8" thick) because the hydrogen can embrittle the metal over time and rupture your tank. Danger! The energy conversion is approximately 2.5 lbs of bone dry chunks into 1 kilowatt/hr of power in a 3600 rpm engine. 3 lbs per kw/hr at 1800 rpm.
A poorly built/ low suction/ improperly tuned gasifier can produce tar. Tar occurs when wood oils aren't completely turned into wood gas and end up in the engine valve stems as creosote. When a gasifier is sized to the correct engine, using the charts in the book, then this isn't a problem. As a new user it is recommended you use an old engine to practice with while you learn the art of being a wood gas operator. Most youtube tinker projects are making oily gas. You get what you pay for.
Can I make & sell your gasifier?
No, this is a DIY set of plans for educational and personal use only. -- If you become masterful as a wood gasifier builder, operator, designer and engine integrator then you are welcome to design and build your own UNIQUE gasifier system and sell it under your own brand name and liability. Use a name plate to identify yourself as the builder and use warning labels. -- Do not use any elements from the book or the author's name. No knock-offs!, No "business opportunity" seekers. No grant chasers.
Gasifier Recall Investigation: Did You Purchase From OffGrid48?
Mr. Steven Honkus has modified the design in an unsafe way to pursue his unlicensed commercial interest against the author's wishes. Click to learn more. THIS is why I say "No Business Opportunity Seekers." Have you sent this man money? Contact us.